Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I have spoken to various Polish soldiers about the subject of Iraq. The majority feel it is not their war. However, Poles remain. When questioned further many respond that Poland is fulfilling their NATO responsibilities, however this gets a bit cloudy when I point out France's refusual to be involved. Many feel that Poland has to some how proove its reliablity and faithfullnes to the US. The question is had this been don to the US's satsifaction? Britain has just announced a significant downscaling of its operations in Iraq. Will this spell the end for Poland too?

Tameing the Bear!

Since the election i have heard mostly positive things about the new administration. What i think is most encouraging is PO's attitude to Germany and Russia. I am not alwasy a fan of either country, yet the PIS way of dealing with them was antagonistic at best. Hopefully we will see an ease in relations, especially with Russia and an opening up of the export market.