I am just updating any readers on the events concering my speeding fine as i wrote about in Febuary. Well i did get a letter form the court, but the bizzare thing was that it did not inform me as to where i should actually pay my 100zł fine.
Convinced that a second letter containing the actuall bill and payment details would come i sat tight. After two weeks i had received nowt! Therefore being the honest citizen i am i went to the local police station. The guy on duty was as bafflled as me and said he didin't have a clue and that we should either wait orring a telephone number on the letter.
He actually spent more time complaining that the new spped cameras were causing him a lot of hassle as he had to chasse people up after they had broken the speed limit by a couple of k. This was seriously eating into his peoper police duties and staring to get on his wick!!
The story just gets more and more bizzare!!!
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